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cips level 4 books for sale

Sustainable ProcurementProcurement which supports the sustainability goals of the organisation and optimises the environmental, social and economic impacts over the life cycle of the product or service. Stock ticker dataA report of the price movement for certain securities, updated continuously throughout the trading session by the various stock exchanges, Stock turn/stock turnover (high or low)How many times stock or inventory is being used/sold and purchased/replenished over a given time period, StockoutThe situation where goods, parts or components are required but not available to fulfil demand, StocksA form of security that show that the holder of the stock has a portion of ownership in the company, StocktakeAn audit check of the stock physically held; this may be by amount or value, or both, StockyardAn open area (which may have a canopy or some protection) often used to store bulky stock items, vehicles and appropriate materials, StoresSmall, local storage facility for immediate-use items, Straight re-buyThe purchase of an item that was purchased last time there was a need rather than considering an alternative, StrategicHigh level planning, including setting direction and long-term goals, Strategic allianceAn arrangement between two or more parties to undertake a specific, mutually beneficial high-level project, often with shared resources, while remaining independent of each other. A backhaul problem exists when there is an imbalance in transport flows between locations. They are plan, ploy, pattern, position and perspective, MissionThe purpose of an organisation. The supply chain service level can be more important than the physical product offered, Product development timeHow long it takes to get a design to market, from idea generation through to commercialisation, Product dispositionThe process of determining and identifying what to do with each product that is returned through the reverse logistics channel, Product life cycleThe process or stages that a product goes through upon introduction in the market. FIFO treats the first unit that arrived in inventory as the first one sold. Read Dana's latest press releases. Includes blockchain, Internet of Things and other technologies. The level of output of a business at which revenue equals total costs. Supplier ConditioningProcess of influencing suppliers to behave in a certain way, accept certain circumstances or information. Download free books in PDF format. The conflicting objectives of cost control and customer service often put an organization's financial and operating managers against its sales and marketing departments. Also referred to as the information age. Corporate objectivesThe strategic aims of the organisation, usually in terms of growth and profit levels, but may also include other things such as customer satisfaction levels, degree of innovation, entry into new markets, etc. Quality assurance (QA)Systematic processes and activities that together have the effect of preventing mistakes in the manufacture of a product or delivery of a service. Freedom of association is a fundamental labour right, meaning that workers have the right to form and join workers’ organisations of their choosing in order to promote the common interests of the organisation, Free-trade agreementAn international treaty, whereby the countries who are party to it agree in binding terms to reduce or remove barriers to trade between them, such as tariffs or quotas on imports or exports, Free-trade areaThe geographic area covered by a specific free-trade agreement, FrustratedA situation where a contract can no longer be performed due to circumstances beyond the control of either party, FSD KenyaFSD stands for Financial Sector Deepening. BenchmarkingProcess of measuring and improving organisation processes, procedures and policies by comparison with others. Supplier relationship management (SRM)Holistic management of relationships formed between buyers and suppliers based on the criticality of the good or services being procured. There are different types of duties depending on the role that they serve in trade, Duty of careIn tort law, duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring them to adhere to a standard of reasonable care when performing any act that may harm others, Dynamic capabilitiesBuilding and reconfiguring internal and external competencies within the logistics systems to respond to rapidly changing environments, Dynamic conditionsOrganisational or environmental conditions that are constantly changing, for example, in terms of technology, Dynamic pricingWhen the price for a product or service changes to reflect changing demand in the market, Dynamic purchasing system (DPS)A contract for suppliers which is similar to a framework contract. This improvement will have some negative results in the financial reporting, since the 'value' now stored in the factory as inventory is reduced. It aims to move freight from origin to destination accurately and cost effectively through flexible planning, execution and follow up, TreatyAn agreement under international law that is entered into by sovereign states and international organisations, TriangulationA statistical concept based on understanding whether data is valid or not by reviewing information from multiple data sources. It is a self-serving strategy planned to achieve a certain end, Political economyThe combination of politics and economics. [26] Inventory credit on the basis of stored agricultural produce is widely used in Latin American countries and in some Asian countries. Most major oil companies use such systems today. Portfolio techniquesMethods for balancing the management of business units, and product ranges, within a portfolio, Portfolio toolsTools that can be used to display and analyse information about a portfolio, Position auditA position audit is an analysis of where the business stands today, PositioningThe proposition that an organisation adopts and the arrangement of the supply chain at local, regional and global level, Post tender negotiation (PTN)Negotiation that occurs after the best value supplier has been chosen. Bell, and M.L. Strategy is a set of decisions you want to make in a certain direction and is high-level thinking related to how you might achieve that goal. Additionally, these storage tanks have a maximum capacity and cannot be overfilled. Whole-life Asset ManagementManagement of the total costs of an asset over the whole life, including for example purchase price, servicing, repairs, consumables, disposal and other end-of-life costs. 3 talking about this. with enough set aside for emergencies, LocalisationSituation where an organisation chooses to set up operations in local markets in order to be closer to its key suppliers, Localised supply chainA supply chain that is based in one area/region/country, Logarithmic scaleA scale in which the distance of a point from the scale’s zero is proportional to the logarithm of the number rather than to the number itself, Logical incrementalismA management philosophy where strategies are created through a series of small decisions which are then reviewed periodically, Logistics clusterThe organisation responsible for co-ordination, information management, and for facilitating access to common logistics services, to ensure an effective and efficient logistics response in the face of humanitarian disasters, Logistics controlThis is a subset of management control systems and it is cross-functional in nature, encompassing warehousing, distribution and supply. In this way, the cost of all company activities are reflected in the cost of the goods produced. Eliyahu M. Goldratt developed the Theory of Constraints in part to address the cost-accounting problems in what he calls the "cost world." It is intentional that financial accounting uses standards that allow the public to compare firms' performance, cost accounting functions internally to an organization and potentially with much greater flexibility. Stock marketA place (physical or online) where buyers and sellers can go to buy/sell shares that are listed on an exchange that is part of that particular stock market, Stock pricesPrices of stocks determined by the market, e.g., supply/demand, and other factors, such as the company’s growth potential, etc. SourcingAssessing the market to identify viable suppliers able to meet organisation's needs (such as quality, quantity and speed of delivery). Value chain analysis (VCA)The analysis of organisational activities to identify which are the most valuable (in terms of differentiation or cost) and which can be improved to provide competitive edge, Value chain approachA decision support tool which examines the activities within the supply chain that add value to the product and service mix of the customer, Value chain mappingA process that identifies the main activities associated with the products or services of a company, Value creationValue added to a product due to factors, such as brand image, innovation, customer care or the range of products, Value engineeringA process of improving the value or an existing product or service, Value for money (VFM)The most advantageous combination of price and quality that makes a product or service fit for purpose and will achieve the buyer’s required outcomes. Value ChainA business model created by Michael Porter that defines the sequential activities required to create a product or service delivering value to customers. By Nageswara Rao M, 9492432160. [citation needed], Stock rotation is the practice of changing the way inventory is displayed on a regular basis. Supply Chain OptimisationApplication of tools and processes to streamline end to end a supply chains to increase value and remove waste. Supplier cost breakdownsThe supplier provides a breakdown of its costs and profit, Supplier costsSupplier costs (as distinguished from price) are the costs which suppliers incur, or expect to incur, in their delivery of what the buyer has ordered. Supply chain management (SCM)Management of the flow of goods, services and suppliers from raw materials to the consumption by the consumer, requiring a network of suppliers that link the supply chain together. As sales increase, variable costs increase. The origins are linked to Henry Gantt, who used charts to help plan production, although others have also been linked with the technique, Gap analysisThis is the comparison of what has been achieved against what was targeted or planned (e.g., in the project initiation document and project plan). Financial performance indicatorsThese are tools that are applied to gauge the financial status or performance of an organisation. This is often used where there is a small probability of an unwanted outcome occurring in a single event but there are a large number of events, thus increasing the probability that the event will occur at some point, Poka-yokePronounced poh-kah yoh-keh and sometimes referred to as mistake-proofing – any mechanism that helps avoid mistakes by preventing or correcting them, PoliciesPrinciples adopted by the organisation, Political activityIn an organisation is an activity or behaviour perceived by others as being for personal gain rather than in the interests of the organisation. Communication management strategyThis is used to specify the means and frequency of communication between the project manager and project board. To discourage this practice, stores will rotate the location of stock to encourage customers to look through the entire store. Configuration management ensures that the final deliverables meet the specified criteria, Configuration of activitiesHow the activities carried out by an organisation, such as manufacturing and product development, are organised: whether they are concentrated in one geographical region or dispersed across different geographical regions/ countries, ConflictA disagreement, or difference of opinions or principles, Conflict mineralsMetals and minerals sourced from areas where their mining is used to finance armed conflict and is linked to human rights abuses and corruption. Corporate citizenship behaviourVoluntary positive and constructive behaviour by employees, which supports co-workers and benefits the organisation, Corporate goalsThe targets set by an organisation or company that will achieve the organisation’s mission or objectives. They can be direct, or indirect, or unusually stringent specification standards, Import dutiesTaxes collected on goods imported from another country (also referred to as customs duties or import tariffs). Organisational Design/StructureFormal pattern of staff positions within an organisation defining roles, tasks, responsibilities, communication and supervision, designed to support the organisation goals. EqualityA state of being equal in rights, status, and opportunities, Equilibrium priceA state where the demand and supply of a product are equally balanced, EquityFunds invested by shareholders, which is generally non-repayable and on which there is usually no definitive commitment to pay a dividend, Equity (share) capitalThe risk capital invested by the owners of an organisation that is not paid back to investors, Equity capital marketsWhere financial institutions help companies raise equity capital and where the stocks are traded, Equity per shareA company’s equity divided by its total number of shares, E-requisitioningSending a requisition via electronic methods, E-RFQ/e-ITTAn electronic version of a request for quotation or an invitation to treat, ErgonomicThe consideration of people’s efficiency in the work environment, ERP (enterprise resource planning)Enterprise resource planning system, a multi-functional electronic system that combines work flows both in and out of the business from all functions, EscalateTo take something to the next level; to take a problem more seriously. The … Business CaseJustification for a proposed project or undertaking based on its expected benefits. Now revised and updated, this text offers undergraduate students an introduction to the world of marketing. The fourth edition includes new material on areas such as e-commerce, the Internet and relationship marketing. This conflict can be minimised by reducing production time to being near or less than customers' expected delivery time. The guarantee is usually written, GuarantorAn organisation that takes responsibility for another organisation’s obligation, Habit of mindA tendency to think in a particular way, HandlingThe co-ordination and integration of operations needed to move goods, including the packing, batching, loading, unloading, separation and shipment. BeneficiaryA party which receives the benefit of a contract from the arrangement of a guarantor, Beneficiary valueThe value of humanitarian aid taken from the perspective of the recipient or beneficiary of that aid, BenefitA privilege gained through a contract, BespokeA product or service made specifically for one customer, Best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA)The fallback or backstop position if the negotiation fails to result in an agreement/no deal is agreed, BiasAn individual’s personal inclination for or against someone or something based on predetermined beliefs and understandings, BidOffer of a price, may be a response to an invitation to tender, Bid riggingA form of fraud where the contract has been pre-agreed to be awarded to a supplier prior to the tender/RFQ process, Big DataLarge data sets which are analysed using data management systems to identify patterns and trends, Big IThe integration of all relevant activities into one system, Bilateral contractAn agreement between two parties, where both parties share the same duties, rights and responsibilities, Bill of materialsA comprehensive list of components, items, materials and parts to create a product, essentially a recipe for the production of an item, Bill of quantitiesAn itemisation and cost of materials, parts and labour used in the tender document, Binding Origin Information (BOI)A legally binding decision on the origin of goods provided by an EU member state, BiodegradableSomething that is capable of being composted by bacteria, BiodiversityThe variety of plant and animal life in the world, Biological nutrientA natural material which decomposes safely, Black swan eventAn occurrence or event that is extremely unusual and therefore difficult to predict, and have an impact far beyond the normal situation, BlockchainTechnology that allows data to be digitalised, a list of records called blocks, which are linked using cryptography. This page was last edited on 24 July 2021, at 12:03. In certain industries it could also mean that the stock is or will soon be impossible to sell. The theory of international trade, which states that countries will buy goods from a country that can produce them more economically than domestic producers can, reducing or eliminating its own production of those goods and freeing up resource to be used for production that it can do more efficiently, The Vienna Convention (CISG)A treaty that is a uniform international sales law, TheoryA theory in psychology is a system of ideas or a set of statements intended to explain something, Theory drive evaluationAn evaluation method that examines how and why the project succeeded or failed, Theory of constraints (TOC)A scientific methodology for identifying and minimising the impact of constraints so it is not a limiting factor, Theory of Swift, Even FlowThe effective balancing of demand variability and inventory that achieves the optimal time in which a product passes through a supply chain, Thinking rangeIntrinsic to who an individual is, the way in which they think about the world and approach particular situations, Third partyAn organisation not directly involved in the supply chain of the purchasing organisation, Third sectorThe term usually used for charities, NGOs and not-for-profit organisations, Third-party logistics providerA firm that provides multiple logistics services for use by customers including transportation, warehousing, cross-docking, inventory management, packaging and freight forwarding. The efficiency frontier is primarily directed at what is attainable – what an organisation can achieve in the immediate term, with small changes to resources, operating policies and better use of technology, EFTAEuropean Free Trade Association is a free-trade area among members – Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland – acting in conjunction with the EU in many areas, E-fulfilmentPart of the larger logistics industry, it works specifically with online webstore merchants. Such processes include searching for inputs, contacting or evaluating suppliers or extracting inputs, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)An American political agency that regulates and supervises the safety of foods and drugs sold and consumed in the USA, User-based approachThe making of a product that is fit for purpose and use, UtilisationThe efficient use of a resource, Utilities sectorNormally includes energy supplies, water and sewage, and telecoms networks, ValidityThe accuracy of measurement methods used, ValuationThe process used to estimate what something is worth. Intellectual property (IP)An intangible asset, such as a process, created through human intellect; such assets may be protected by trademarks, copyright or patents. To say that they have a key role to play is an understatement. Examples of secondary markets are the New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange and Nasdaq (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations), Secondary obligationAn alternative obligation, usually involving a party that is not included in the contract between a buyer and seller, in the event that the primary obligation cannot be fulfilled, Secondary sectorIndustry sector that manufactures things, Secondary sector productsProducts converted in the manufacturing or assembly process, such as cars, SecondmentA temporary re-assignment of an employee to a different department or job role, SectorA classification given to an area of industry, society or the economy to distinguish it from other areas, Security of supplyProducts or services are available from suppliers at the time and place that the organisation needs them, SegmentationSegmentation examines a group of customers or suppliers and breaks down the group into a smaller subset based on specified characteristics, Selective discriminationDiscrimination based on race, colour, religion, sex, origin, disability, age, promotion, setting salaries, training, and all other terms and conditions of employment, Self-actualisationSelf-actualisation is about an individual realising their true potential and fulfilling their talents, Self-administered surveyRespondents read the survey instructions and questions without the researcher. It is the amount by which a company's sales have grown from the previous year, Sales mixThe sale of different products with their different costs and prices, Sales revenueAmount of money generated through sales of goods or services, SampleA small part of, or examples of, the product that is potentially being supplied, Saturation pointThe point at which it is not possible for new suppliers to join or increase their presence in a market without a reduction in activities of existing suppliers, Scaled advantageGaining a preferred market position by size alone – the larger the company the bigger its scale, Schedule levellingSmoothing out final demand so each process makes a given number each day. It involves information, material handling, production, packaging, inventory, transportation, warehousing and often security. Often in supplier contracts KPIs will be set around many factors such as quality, cost and delivery, Key risk indicators (KRIs)Measures and metrics that relate to a specific risk and demonstrate a change in the likelihood or consequence of the risk occurring, Key stakeholdersIndividuals or organisations who will be directly affected by a decision, Key suppliersExternally located suppliers – either people or organisations – who are essential to the successful delivery of a business’ objectives, KickbackA form of bribery in which a sum of money is payable to an organisation in exchange for a contract, KittingActivity in a warehouse or store of assembling groups of items that are to be used together – a ‘kit of items’ is created for a specific task, Knowing-in-actionA form of reflection by the individual on their behaviour, where an indivdiual knows what is the right thing to do, and how to do it in a situation as it is happening, KnowledgeThe ability to understand information and to then form judgments and, opinions, and make predictions and decisions based on that understanding. One of the primary rules is that words will have their normal everyday meaning, unless there is a specific definition provided within the contract itself. Inventory management is a discipline primarily about specifying the shape and placement of stocked goods. For instance having an oven is a prerequisite for baking operations, Operational supplier relationshipThe relationship between buyer and supplier that aims at developing and implementing agreements just for transactional purposes, OperationsThe business function responsible for overseeing the processes undertaken to produce goods and services, Operations expenditureCosts associated with the running of an organisation, such as electricity, labour or waste collection. These are in a variety of standard sizes and can be made of many materials including plastic, resin, board or timber, PandemicAn outbreak of disease that affects the whole world, PaperlessOrganisations that function without paper and use electronic methods of communication, Paradigm of the working environmentThe intellectual understanding, perception or a view of the working environment, Parental fitThe degree to which the parent company is able to benefit its business units in terms of resources and capabilities, Pareto analysisThe Pareto principle is also known as the 80/20 rule. Cost ManagementControl of actual or forecasted expenditure of an enforceable agreement between the total revenue earned an. 21 ] for example, used with Parmesan cheese in Italy can harm a manufacturing manager 's evaluation! Efficiency even though that resource now constitutes a ( very ) small of. 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